Optronic Laboratories, LLC 资产收购正式完成

2018年9月18日,美国宾夕法尼亚州,格伦西德:Solar Light公司宣布完成对Gooch & Housego (Orlando)资产的收购事宜,新公司将以Oprtonic Laboratories 进行运营,运营地点仍然位于美国佛罗里达州奥兰多的工厂。Optronic Laboratories将成为Solar Light 公司的子公司。

Highlighting the importance of this acquisition for its global customers, Jay Silverman, President of Solar Light Company, Inc., stated, "Since 1970, Optronic Laboratories has been improving the way the world measures light. This acquisition ensures that Optronic Laboratories can continue to provide the critical light measurement systems and the support necessary for our customers to develop and manufacture their innovative products and processes."  


About Optronics Laboratories, Inc. 

Optronic Laboratories, Inc., was founded in 1970 by two eminent researchers at NIST (originally National Bureau of Standards). The company quickly became recognized for its expertise in light measurement and commercial metrology. Today, Optronic Laboratories and its business partners provide a comprehensive line of high-performance, optical radiation measurement systems, sources, standards, and calibration services with a worldwide reputation for excellence in light sciences.

About Solar Light Company, Inc.

Solar Light Company, Inc. provides specialized light-measurement solutions to advance global health protection and environmental monitoring.   


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