LPSR300 便携式光谱反射测试仪 (近红外)

LPSR 即Laboratory Portable SpectroReflectometer,独特的采用积分球设计对大部分的材料表面进行半球光谱反射率快速测定,光谱范围250 to 2800 nm 。主要根据ASTM E903 规范,对太阳吸收进行测定 .可同时提供用于真空环境测试版本 LPSR 300V.

LPSR 300 采用Windows XP 操作系统傻瓜式图形操作界面。自动操作模式可以选择波长起止范围,步进间距。结果显示为不同波长的反射率值,并自动计算太阳吸收。手动模式可选择光源、探测器、狭缝宽度及增益。

LPSR 300 是一个独立的测试系统,无需其它硬件。系统提供外接显示器和键盘接口。内置硬盘可存储几千次样品扫描测试结果,非常适合野外和实验室环境使用。

LPSR300 同时系统集成了光学数据库,可以和测试的结果进行比对。



Wavelength 250 to 2800 nm
Monochromatic Type Prism, with selectable wavelength and slit width
Repeatability -250 to 2500 nm- ± 1%
-2500 to 2800 nm- ± 2 %
Sample sizes 0.5 inches in diameter or larger
Measurement type Spectral Total Hemispherical Reflectance
Spectral resolution with automatic slit control

-250 to 2500 nm - better than 5% of wavelength
-2500 to 2800 nm - better than 8% of wavelength

Full scan measurement time Less than 2 minutes
Power required 115 VAC/60 Hz


-Measurement Head: 10 x 12 x 8 inches
-PC/Power Box: 9 x 16 x 20 inches
-Instrument Head Carrying Case: 10 x 11.5 x 16 inches

Weight -Measurement Head: 15 Pounds
-PC/Power Box: 35 Pounds
Warranty 1 year parts and labor

*Note: terms reflectance, emittance and absorptance and terms reflectivity, emissivity and absorptivity are often used interchangeably. Spectroreflectometer, spectro-reflectometer and spectral reflectometer are also used interchangeably. (Alternative option to SOC, 410, 400T, directional reflectometer

 上一节: 透射,反射与散射材料测量下一节: 膜厚 折射率 
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