基本概念 輻射度計是常用的用于測試電磁波輻射的儀器,主要分為輻射度計和光譜輻射度計。 光譜輻射度計可以檢測到波長相關的輻射分布,例如OL 750, OL 756, OL770等;輻射度計可以測試到某個波長后波段的輻射,通常是探測器接合一定的濾光片、光學組件,外接電流放大器組成,例如OL 730系列產品。 根據輻射度的基本單位,輻射度可以分為輻射通量(功率)、輻射強度、輻射亮度、輻射照度,以及閱讀全文
Radiant Intensity Calculation Using Irradiance Measurement The Radiant intensity (I) of a (point like) source can be obtained by measuring the Irradiance (E) in a certain distance. Afterwards t閱讀全文
Irradiance Calculation Using Radiance Measurement Sometimes Irradiance (Illuminance) has to be measured indirectly by Radiance (Luminance), e.g. in case of limited space behind the measuring p閱讀全文