OL 730D 輻射度計 功率計
概述與特性 選件與附件 資料庫 概述與特性標題 OL 730D采用數字信號處理技術(DSP),集成了鎖相放大器功能,可直接與各種光電探測器結合使用,成為功能強大的、高精度輻射度計或光度計,覆蓋從紫外到中遠紅外波段。 OL 730D 是所有同類測量儀器中最理想的測試儀器,具有高靈敏度,自動量 閱讀全文
RadioLux 111 便攜式輻射度、照度計
- precise and handy luxmeter and radiometer in one instrument - autoranging from 0,01 lx to 360 klx - unique compensation of temperature errors and temperature display - available as luxmeter class C, B, A and L and with special photometer heads - can be remote-controlled with a bluetooth adapter - extremely wide application area 閱讀全文
臺式輻射度計光度計 211
- universal and portable precision tabletop unit - storable calibration factors for up to 7 sensors - battery supplied - autoranging from 1 mlx (0,1 lx) to 200 klx - available as laboratory standard photocurrent meter - up to 4 parallel channels - user calibration facility for all laboratory applications - precision instrument for the measurement of UV-radiation - measurement of radiant power of tunable lasers 閱讀全文
- precise photocurrent to voltage vonverter for parallel measurement of illuminance - simultaneous data acquisition with up to 30 channels 閱讀全文
- Measurement of illuminance created by outdoor daylight - Measurement of global illuminance on horizontal and vertical planes - Measurement of horizontal illuminance by skylight only, with a shadow ring - Measurement of direct sun illuminance with a sun tracker 閱讀全文