
ONDAX的專利產品SureBlock-XLF系列超低頻THZ拉曼光譜濾波系統可用于現有的客戶拉曼系統的升級,也可根據客戶的應用需求配置到新的拉曼光譜系統中,在應用時只需要在客戶現有的單級拉曼光譜系統中增加就可以將客戶的拉曼光譜的測試范圍從200cm-1到2000cm-1的范圍擴展到5cm-1到2000cm-1,也就是150 GHz to 6 THz).


  • 多態結構鑒定
  • 納米和生物材料的結構研究
  • 檢測爆炸物/危險品/化學藥品/
  • 生物制品取證鑒定研究
  • 地質樣品分析和寶石研究


Parameter Units Specification
Wavelength nm 532 785/850 976
Power at sample port (min) mW 50 to 250* 100 300
* Specify power level at time of order
Fixed Grating Spectrometer Tunable Grating Spectrometer
Spectral Range (typical) -200cm-1 to +2200cm-1 0-1100 nm (w/Si Detector)
Spectral Resolution 2.5cm-1 to 4cm-1 1.25cm-1 or greater
Computer Interface  USB USB
The TR-MICRO mounts directly to a broad range of popular microscope platforms and micro-Raman systems, and can be easily switched in and out of the optical path. The system includes an Ondax SureLock™ 785nm, 850nm, 976nm or 1064nm laser source, notch filters, and optional circular polarization (linear polarization is standard). A 532nm excitation source or a sample imaging camera are also available upon request.
The new TR-PROBE is a compact, robust THz-Raman probe that enables in-situ reaction or process monitoring. The TR-PROBE can be configured with a variety of immersion or contact probe tips, a convenient vial holder, or a steerable collimated beam.
The XLF-CLM is configured for Benchtop use and offers an optional vial/cuvette sample holder for fast, easy measurements. The system also comes with a standard cage mounting plate (centered on the collimated output beam) to allow for customized collection optics or easy integration into a customized system. The XLF-CLM includes a SureLock™ 785nm, 850nm, 976nm or 1064nm laser source, notch filters, and optional circular polarization.



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